Wednesday, March 4, 2015

10 Year Anniversary

     On this day 10 years ago I became a follower of Jesus. That moment changed everything, and I will never be able to find words that truly express the depths of my gratitude. I had thought that I would do something special to celebrate this day, but I ended up spending my day just as I would any other Wednesday. However, there is a specific reason for that.
     My testimony used to be a sob story about all of the "terrible" things that had happened to me before the moment when Christ came and saved me. That has some truth to it, but Christ has so much more for us than a single moment from years past. I remember a pastor once saying something to the effect of: "If your testimony isn't constantly changing then something is terribly wrong." I did not like that, I liked my sob story the way it was, thank you very much! The truth was that I didn't like that because my testimony wasn't changing. I wasn't allowing God to move in me and speak to me in new ways because that would mean admitting my flaws and having to humble myself before the Lord.
     Over the last four years I have learned how true that statement really is. God desires to speak to us, to transform us, and to use us to build His kingdom. God's investment is so much bigger than a single moment, and God's invitation is a lifetime of knowing Him. Over the course of my life there have been many ups and downs, but God has always been faithful. God has taken root in my life and transformed me from within. 
     God wants us to invite Him into all of the parts of our life. Not just the moment when we walk into the Church building, or the moment when everything seems to be crumbling around us, but the day-to-day normal stuff too. He was present as I joked with my students this morning, He was present when I went for a run, and He was present when I was being advised by my student's parent to go to Alaska to find a husband (yes, this really did happen today). So today I celebrated 10 years of walking in relationship with my best friend, my savior, by living a normal day. I am reminded that deep relationship is not often built in a few big monumental moments, but in living life together day in and day out. 

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Call to Ministry Essay

     Today I turned in my application for RTI (Reach Training Institute), a ministry school through the Alliance denomination. In order to apply I had to write a call to ministry essay that included the story of my becoming a Christian and why I feel called to ministry. Now all that's left is to pray and wait. Here is my essay:

            When I was sixteen years old my friend Melissa invited me to her youth group. I distinctly remember watching a group of people praying for a sobbing girl named Brianna and thinking: This girl’s life must be really messed up for her to cry in front of all of these people. I didn’t understand what was happening, and the thought of opening myself up to the point where I would cry openly in front of a group of people was unfathomable. My entire life had been spent learning to keep parts of myself hidden, it meant survival and it meant safety. I believed that the only possibility of being loved by those around me relied on my ability to hide that which made me unlovable. I was drawn to the foreign love and acceptance that I saw in this little group and found myself coming back each week. I wasn’t sure about God, but I was completely drawn in by the way that God was moving in and through the people in this community.
A few months later I went on a youth retreat with the group. During a time of worship I was overcome by God’s presence. I saw an image of the cross in my childhood bedroom: the place where my most desperate tears were cried, where I would dare myself to gain the courage to end my life, where I felt completely alone. God entered that place and revealed His love for me. I was not alone, I was deeply loved by the God who created the universe and knit me together in my mother’s womb. I spent hours on the floor weeping as God poured His love out on me. Words of truth were spoken over places where lies had previously reigned.
As I opened the door to my high school the following Monday, just like I did every school day, I stopped to marvel at the fact that everything around me seemed the same as it had before. Physically, everything was the same, but I knew that everything was different. A piece of eternity had taken root in me and my life had become a stark contrast to my surroundings. As my foot crossed the threshold and I stepped into the building it was a different person entering than the one who had entered the previous Friday. I had been made new.
God used a community of people to draw me to Himself. Young teens who were transparent with where they were at and loved each other deeply and authentically guided my first steps toward God. I am very thankful for the way that I became a follower of Christ, because I got to see the power of God moving within a community of people who had come together to seek Him. I believe that authentic community lived for the glory of God can transform lives, neighborhoods, cities, and the nations. My desire is to be a part of creating environments where people who don’t know Christ can come and see God moving in the lives of the people around them. Creating places where God is seen and glorified through the way people love and are loved.
I first came to Church on the Hill in January of 2011. I had watched my former community split in different directions and was left feeling lost and forgotten. Coming to Church on the Hill was a breath of fresh air. During this time God began walking me through healing from wounds that I had held onto like a little girl clutches her security blanket. I ended up moving in with a person from the church that I hardly knew, Becca Couch, and I got to witness first-hand the power of her immense faith. As I watched the interaction of a healthy community centered on Christ I began to learn what it means to live beyond myself.
In June of the following year Becca and I started a community house called the Cube. We began with six girls and a goal of living intentional, authentic lives for Christ. During that time I was a part small group with two other girls. We noticed that the church had a lot of young adults without an outlet to plug-in beyond Sundays. Our weekly small group meetings turned into a dedicated time to pray for young adults and seek God’s will for a young adult ministry. My plan was to help during the summer and step back when my job began again in the fall. As summer came to an end we had a meeting to lay out our vision. During that meeting I felt God say “I am calling you to this.”
My plan for the next year took a dramatic shift. I didn’t know much at all about ministry, let alone launching something from scratch. I began asking questions and seeking knowledge wherever I could get it. I joined middle school ministries, as an observer of sorts, so that I could have an example of what it looks like to build a leadership team. Jason Treadwell, Bruce Stefanik, and Diana Miller came alongside me during this time. They taught me, encouraged me, and supported me. They had confidence in me before I had confidence in myself. They saw what God was doing in and through me and helped me to walk in that.
As I took shaky, unsure steps in obedience I came face-to-face with my inadequacies, I began to realize how ill-equipped I am to do God’s will in my own strength. Through this, I found myself living a life of complete reliance on God. As I laid down my pride God began to use my inadequacies to glorify Himself. I watched God transform a little house called the Cube and a small group of three girls into a ministry where lives were changed. We prayed together, we laughed together, we cried together, and we witnessed the power of God’s redemption.
During the first year of the Cube I constantly found myself coming back to Romans 8. It has become my favorite chapter of the Bible because it speaks so clearly of the power of God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. Romans 8 reminds us that we are joyously anticipating the redemption of the earth. Creation is groaning with the pains of childbirth, and like childbirth, the pains are leading to the redemption of God’s creation. I need to be constantly reminded of this eternal perspective because I am so quick to forget that I have been made for eternity, not the moment that I am living in right now. This reminder humbles me and quiets my soul.
I have chosen to pursue ministry because God has given me a passion for helping others come to know Him and walk in the freedom that can only be found in Christ. I believe that I am supposed to be a part of creating community environments where people can come and see the power of the body of Christ in action. God has clearly called me to this, but has also clearly laid ministry before me as a choice. I understand the weight of a life of ministry, it means living beyond myself, and I know that that can only happen when I am fully relying on God. I never imagined myself in the place that I am at today, and that is solely because God was the one that lead me here. I am ready to devote myself to the call that God has on my life, and I believe that RTI is a powerful tool that can help me as I pursue that call.